Monday, August 25, 2008

Beach trip with the church

Sunday, August 24, we went to Wrightsville Beach, NC with the church. We spent all day soaking up the sun, playing volleyball, playing in the ocean, building sand castles, boogie boarding, skim boarding, burying our friends in the sand, and hanging out under the pier. Here are a few things we learned:

1) 6 hours is too long to stay at the beach... until next time. :)
2) We are too old for volleyball... unless someone challenges us again.
3) Sand makes a nice condiment for chicken salad.
4) Six people can quickly go through 20 bottles of water and 24 sodas at the beach.
5) Skim boards look like fun... but hurt.
6) Three applications of SPF 30 sunscreen vs. the sun... the sun wins every time.
7) People gather around when a group of people on the beach play volleyball or start singing.

I hope you enjoy these pictures.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pushups Update - after 2 weeks

So, Jeremy and I (Alan) have continued the 100 pushups program for the last two weeks. I told you about starting the program in the post "100 pushups". So, how are we doing with pushups?

Well, the program is not causing Jeremy any problems yet. He can easily do 30-40 consecutive pushups even after the workout program. But, these next two weeks will be more difficult for him.

And me? Well, when we started, we had to do as many consecutive pushups as we could do. I could do 6. I know, right!?!? Anyway, that's why I wanted to do this program. I needed the exercise. After two weeks, I did another consecutive pushup test today. And, for this test, I did 22 pushups!!! No, not as many as Jeremy - and probably not a many as most people can do - but sooooo much better for me. This next two weeks is going to kill me - literally. But, I'm excited to see how much I improve after two more weeks.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lord's Supper and Mrs. Jenny's Cross

Today, we ate the Lord's Supper together. It may sound strange to some people, but we actually eat an entire meal as the Lord's Supper. I mean, it is called a "supper", right? Anyway, here are some pictures from our meal.

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Also, Mrs. Jenny gave us a painting of a cross last week. Here is a picture of the painting. Mrs. Jenny is a resident of a local nursing home that has adopted our family. If you want to know more about Mrs. Jenny, I (Alan) wrote about her on my blog a couple of times: see "I think we've been adopted" and "She said, 'I'm very close'" on my blog.

Monday, August 11, 2008

100 pushups

Tonight, Jeremy, Miranda, and I (Alan) started an exercise routine called 100 pushups. Supposedly, if we follow this program, we will each be able to do 100 consecutive pushups in six weeks. Of course, Jeremy started out way ahead of Miranda and me. Miranda is doing pushups from her knees because we don't want to strain her ankle. Margaret wanted to do this with us, but her arm has been bothering her, and we don't want to strain it either. She may try it in a few weeks. I'll keep you posted as to how we're doing. Anyone else want to try this workout program?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Jeremy awarded 1st degree black belt

Last Thursday - after over four years of instruction and after a week of very intensive testing - Jeremy and his friends Zach and Lacee were awarded the 1st degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I'll post more pictures and videos later, but this is a video of Jeremy being presented his new belt and certificate.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More TKD 1st degree black belt testing - sparring

Here is another video from 1st degree black belt testing in Tae Kwon Do from last Thursday, July 31, 2008. There are two parts to this video. The first parts show Jeremy's friend Zach sparring. Then, Jeremy spars. Each of them spars one, two, then three opponents at a time.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jeremy's TKD 1st degree black belt testing - bokken

Last Thursday, Jeremy began testing for his 1st degree black belt. There are several parts to the testing, and it is very intense. He will finish his testing next Tuesday. Here is a video of one part of the testing. In this part of the testing, Jeremy is sparring one and two opponents with a bokken (sword). Jeremy is the one in the red and black uniform.